CROWN 2023/2024 tour

‘The show transcended mere entertainment, becoming a poignant celebration and tribute to the resilience strength, and joy inherent in all displaced individuals.’

Songlines Review - click here for full review

‘The choreography was excellent, loved the music, the soundscape created a great atmosphere and each individual performance was so engaging.’


‘The energy given by the dancers was incredible and very moving.’


There is Power in Self-Discovery…

Join us on a journey to find HOME.

CROWN/تاج is the UK’s first touring production by Company Scheherazade combining classical Persian dance, contemporary dance, and Sufi movement to tell a story of displacement, identity, and body sovereignty to an original soundtrack of live classical music and electronica.

Using Persian miniatures, lived experience and the poetry of Forough Farrokhzad, the 3 lead dancers take the audience on a journey from determination through struggle to release. Finding courage, resilience, and joy along the way.

Maria Tarokh directs this female-led production on its inaugural tour. The cast feature brilliant contemporary and classical dancers and virtuoso classical Persian musicians to bring you a moving, exhilarating, and energetic experience.

CROWN is a celebration of the transformation which takes place when we realise home is within ourselves.

Co-produced by Dartington Arts and commissioned by Counterpoints Arts. Supported with funding from Arts Council England.